sacred tree

The Aboriginal word for ‘Sandalwood’ in the Martu and Wongi language. It’s a sacred tree that has been revered for thousands of years and grows across the vast semi-arid lands of Western Australia.

A cultural gift
Australian Aborigines are recognised as the longest continuous culture on the planet and since the dawn of time these people have lived in harmony with the land, flora and fauna. Dutjahn, is a particularly special tree that has been revered, traded and cherished for many thousands of years. Every drop of Dutjahn Sandalwood Oil used, is like a gift from our culture to all.
“Dutjahn is more than a sacred plant to the Martu and Wongi Nations, it is part of our soul and a key link to our spiritual identity.”
For hundreds of years sandalwood species have produced essential oils used in perfumery, medicines and cosmetics. Increasing global demand has gradually led to over-harvesting, exploitation and critical endangerment of sandalwood in many countries.
In Australia, European settlers began harvesting native sandalwood in the 19th Century, with exports of wild wood still continuing today. In the 1990’s, sandalwood plantations were grown in earnest across Australia, with many hectares of degraded former Western Australian farmlands being transformed through the introduction of native sandalwood trees. These plantations are now beginning to reach maturity and enter the supply stream.
Throughout this long history of Australian sandalwood harvesting, Australia's first nations people have rarely received benefits commensurate to their involvement in the supply chain. Now is the time for change.
In 2015, Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils was created to build a distillation facility and make sandalwood oil sourced from plantation wood and wild wood from traditional lands - with profits flowing directly back to the communities from which the wild wood is harvested.
Today, we are proud to say that oil from our lands, plantations and factory is sold into the finest perfume, cosmetics and aromatherapy companies around the world.