Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils create extraordinary essential oils.

We carefully combine Indigenous harvested wild wood from Native Title lands, Western Australian State Government wild harvested wood and sustainably managed plantation wood.
Tree roots, butts, trunks and branches – from all provenances – are distilled into oil and blended to exacting specifications to deliver truly exceptional oil varieties.
Defining Attributes
Unique to the ancient and amazing lands of Australia, Santalum Spicatum develops profoundly rich and complex oil varieties that infuse formulations – from fine fragrance to exquisite cosmetics and regenerative aromatherapy preparations – each inheriting a collection of attributes which intrinsically help set them apart from the competition.
Creating a selection of oil varieties enables us to offer solutions that answer our customers’ individual needs.
As with expert perfumers and discerning consumers alike, our seasoned artisanal distillers appreciate the differences between wood provenances and tree parts, working with equal measures of craft and scientific rigor to adapt our specialized equipment accordingly – yielding the very best oils from this precious wood.
The care and respect we pour into producing oils of outstanding quality, means our own species-specific distillery is now globally recognized for its fusion of Indigenous wild harvested and plantation wood. more
A high alpha and beta santalol, low farnesol grade oil that displays all the beauty, strength and naturality sought for fine perfumery.
Falling within ISO specifications for Santalum spicatum essential oil, this grade is the true aromatic profile of this iconic Australian species.
A select grade of oil from wild harvested wood certified to Australian Certified Organic (ACO) standards.
Using only trees that die of natural causes in the wild, this oil has distinct added aromatic complexity unlike greenwood derived oils.
an unbroken chain of custody

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